Grab It! - Jacob ter Veldhuis
Reflections on the Nature of Water - Jacob Druckman
Velocities - Joseph Schwantner
Merlin - Andrew Thomas
Fertility Rites - Christos Hatzis
Land - Takatsugu Muramatsu
1st Cello Suite - Johann Sebastian Bach
Libertango - Eric Sammut
Texas Hoedown - David Friedman
Schwarze Wolken - Edison Denisov
Loops II - Philippe Hurel
Vibra-Elufa - Karlheinz Stockhausen
Green Yellow Green Red - Nick Zammuto *New piece for prepared vibraphone* - Arend Gerds *New piece for vibraphone and electronics* - Matthijs van Driel
Set Up
Rebonds (A&B) - Iannis Xenakis
Frum - Áskell Másson
Side by Side - Michio Kitazume
Thirteen drums - Maki Ishii
Begin - Arend Gerds* Verstening - Ruud Roelofsen*
Snare drum
Prim - Áskell Másson
Stop Speaking - Andy Akiho
Dasselbe ist nicht dasselbe - N.A. Huber
Kim - Áskell Másson
Meditation nr. 1 - Casey Cangelosi
Asventuras - Alexej Gerassimez
Reflection - Tomás Montero*
?Corporel - Vinko Globokar
Temazcal - Javier Alvarez
Songs - Stuart Smith
Toucher - Vinko Globokar
X,Y Counterpulse - Edgar Guzmán* *New piece* - Wim Henderickx
*Pieces written for Niek KleinJan.
Chamber music pieces written for Niek KleinJan and others:
Utopia - Augusto Meijer (Duo Wolfs/KleinJan)
Angle of Attack - Arnold Marinissen (Niek KleinJan & Konstantyn Napolov)
Duet for vibraphone & clarinet - Arend Gerds (Duo Wolfs/KleinJan)
3 Reflecties voor Orgel, Beiaard en Slagwerk - Cor Ardesch (Cor Ardesch, Boudewijn Zwart & Niek KleinJan)
Percussion Concertos:
Affirmation for Solo Percussion and Orchestra - Andrew Beall
Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra - Joseph Schwantner
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel - James Macmillan